Breakfast Ride
BP Wild Bean in AscotLet's ride! Arrive at 0815 for 0830 depart. Breakfast at the Vintage Dining Room in Toodyay run by Lynda from Kiss Catering who looks after us at Numduc.
Let's ride! Arrive at 0815 for 0830 depart. Breakfast at the Vintage Dining Room in Toodyay run by Lynda from Kiss Catering who looks after us at Numduc.
Committee Meeting at Roch's digs
Classic sun downer ride on the west coast Sun set ride in the rain, nope it is postponed to January
This event was rescheduled from 1 Nov. Members - please look out for a reminder email with booking details. We will be departing BP, Ascot at 0745 to ride out…
Hi all. DOCWA is pleased to once again support the Perth Bikers Charity Ride. This year, which also happens to be its 45th anniversary, is particularly important because the Salvo's…
Time for a bit of Speed way Action. Meeting at BP Ascot wild bean around 5pm, bring some cash for the gate entry. Gunna be a great night
General Meeting at a New venue the Perth City Street Machin Club @Unit 2/53 Kent street Cannington, Great new place to meet they have a bar with all the facilities…
Night ride down or up the west coast , Ride Capt Craig
Weekend away at Dee's house near Bunbury going to be a big one, come along. Leaving Sat morning now, coming back Monday ( you need to take leave from work…